School Sports Premium
The funding is provided to increase the quality and the quantity of PE delivered in Primary schools. Physical activity has so many benefits for children’s physical health as well as their mental well being, increasing emotional well being and lowering anxiety. Studies have shown that children who are physically active are happier, more resilient and trusting of their peers. Along with all of this, having access to sufficient daily activity can also have benefits for pupils and schools, improving behaviour as well as enhancing academic achievement.
The governments School Sport and Activity Action plan sets out their commitment to ensure that children and young people have access to at least 60 minutes of sport and activity per day, with a recommendation of 30 minutes of this delivered during the school day.
Ofsted’s new Inspection Framework, which came into effect from September 2019, gives greater recognition to schools’ work to support personal development of pupils, such as opportunities they have to learn about eating healthily and maintaining an active lifestyle. Inspectors will expect to see schools delivering a broad, ambitious education, including opportunities to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular activities.
We have various different ways we can work with schools to help support this:
A popular use of sports premium funding within schools is teacher support in lessons. Coaches work alongside teachers to develop their knowledge of PE. With mentoring, training and resources this can help them teach PE and sport more effectively to all pupils.
Providing more extracurricular activities breakfast, lunchtime and afterschool clubs. Lots of schools have recently taken on lunchtime club hours with Sporting World where coaches take the sports team for extra training and practice in the lead up to fixtures.
Using the school field, playground or hall we can incorporate an active mile into the school day and develop a lifelong habit of daily physical activity.
Broader variety of sports and activities - We can offer a broader range of sports and physical activities which can be offered to all pupils including dance, yoga and fitness sessions to encourage more children participating in sport and exercise.
Wake and shake – This could be taken on by the year 6’s who can plan the wake and shake for either at the start of the day or after lunch. Giving the year 6’s more of a leadership role.
Contact us below today to discuss your needs and to see how working with Sporting world can help improve the quality and quantity of PE and school sport within your school. We are very flexible and like to work closely with the school to provide exactly what you are looking for.