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Curriculum Sports Provision
Encouraging          Developing           Inspiring
Our Curriculum sport provision aims at enhancing and raising the standard of sport for young people, working within government guidelines to improve their well being and individual ability. Our delivery of our coaching programmes meets OFSTED and PE/sports funding goals. Our programmes can be individually tailored to meet the needs of the school. Every lesson having specific learning objectives that fit in with the national curriculum.   

KS1 work independently and in pairs

KS2 decision making, game based sessions and tactical knowledge on top of skill level re-inforcement

Children are active, coaches keep talk time to a minimum

Differentiation in sessions to ensure all childrens needs are met

Session planning provided termly in advance

Action plans developed for gifted and talented and children requiring additional support

Assessments completed termly on each class

Coaches encourage, develop and inspire during sessions showing enthusiasm and a passion for sport

 Another important aspect we value is consistency throughout the school year. Schools will have the same coach for the school year which means the coach becomes part of the school and builds positive relationships with staff, children and parents. 
Along with having structured programmes in a variety of different sports we also aim to encourage participation in sporting fixtures and events and to increase enthusiasm and a passion for sport. With this in mind we keep sport noticeboards up to date with any participation and achievements. 

If  you would like to see for yourself we can organise a free taster session, or for more information, to book a meeting or to request a brochure please click below to contact us by email or phone

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